
Initial Consult

We will begin with a 15 minute phone consultation where you can share your concerns with me. If you choose to move forward with me as your parenting coach, I will conduct an hour of observation, followed by a debriefing session, where I will strategize suggestions and implementation. Upon completion of our first in-person session, we will then meet for a 30 minute Zoom call to further support you in implementing these strategies.

Ongoing Implementation

I am happy to guide and coach your family (caregivers included) on an as needed basis beyond the initial consultation to continue to help you and your family build and expand your parent toolbox.

Special Education Support

I am skilled in IEP Direct, can easily interpret and explain an IEP, and I am here to help you navigate the process of working with a SEIT provider. I coordinate communication with occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech providers, advocating on behalf of students and their families. Additionally, I provide compassionate support in preparing for Annual and Turning 5 Meetings. Please refer to the link below for further resources.

A Special Needs Social Network